Shaping an ethical approach to trans research: Some reflections from my doctoral project
- france rose hartline
From 2016 to 2019, I conducted my doctoral project research on trans and gender-diverse experiences in Norway, focussing on the impact of a new law on gender recognition through which the previous sterilisation requirement for legal gender change was overturned. Over the course of this research, I have been exploring what it means to be an ethical feminist scholar and working to foster what I feel is a more ethical approach to research on trans individuals. In this article, I outline what I have found to be essential theoretical and methodological considerations to ethical trans research. I apply these to my own doctoral research process to demonstrate the importance of trans-focussed research, reflecting on the challenges I faced when writing my thesis.
How to Cite:
hartline, f., (2020) “Shaping an ethical approach to trans research: Some reflections from my doctoral project”, DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 7(1), 53-69. doi:
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