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Reflections and Recommendations to be Representative of the Community in a Community-Based Sports Program

  • Sthephany Escandell (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
  • Kallie Reckner (University of Wisconsin - Green Bay)
  • Jana Fogaca (California State University - Long Beach)


Conducting research with minoritized groups presents various challenges, such as a lack of trust and skepticism regarding benefits to their community (Yancey et al., 2005). Previous studies have provided evidence-based suggestions on overcoming barriers in collecting data on minority populations (Escobar-Chaves et al., 2002). This reflexive case study examines the effectiveness of using such scholarly recommendations for recruiting minority participants in the design and implementation of a life-skills through sports intervention program. Despite our efforts to reach a representative sample by applying specific recommendations, the obtained sample had a higher proportion of White participants (70% vs. 44.5%) and higher income levels (83.3% paid full lunch vs. 40.6%) than the overall prevalence found within the target community. Reflecting on the authors’ position within the study and exploring the methodological implications of existing strategies to enhance minority participation in research, this paper seeks to explicate the difficulties and challenges that can arise when turning theoretical recommendations into practice.

Keywords: Minority research, Diverse recruitment, Youth sports, Intervention program

How to Cite:

Escandell, S., Reckner, K. & Fogaca, J., (2023) “Reflections and Recommendations to be Representative of the Community in a Community-Based Sports Program”, DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 10(1): 5, 68-81. doi:

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