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No More Simultaneous Chess: Understanding Dropout of Local-Level Women Politicians in Gendered Institutions

  • Zahra Runderkamp (University of Amsterdam)


Women politicians drop out of politics more often and earlier than men, but we have not yet captured why. Building on feminist institutionalism and through interviews with local Dutch politicians that dropped out before the end of their term, this study aims to generate quality narratives to show why and how women local politicians drop out of politics. I take into account their other life spheres, beyond political work. The women politicians I interviewed resist the gendered nature of the local council on several dimensions. All these dimensions are gendered and come at an increased workload for women specifically. I demonstrate that women drop out when changes occur in any of their life spheres, no longer being able to ‘play simultaneous chess’. I conclude that these women dropped out not for political reasons necessarily, but because they cannot continue to combine their deeply personal political lives. 

Keywords: Gender, Drop out, Local-level politics, The Netherlands, Feminist institutionalism, Gendered Workplace Approach

How to Cite:

Runderkamp, Z., (2024) “No More Simultaneous Chess: Understanding Dropout of Local-Level Women Politicians in Gendered Institutions”, DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies 11(1), 36-49. doi:

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